
Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Perfect Tool for the Job!

Pinterest comes through again!!!

Really, how did I ever have any ideas before pinterest:)  I found this lovely tool pinned by someone and had to have it!  Take a look, this $30.00 wooden tool saves so much on time and energy.  Wish I would have had this when I was teaching the elementary kids and had 650 students at a time.  This still helps with my 150 that I have now:)  Check it out for yourself!  (click here)


  1. I've this multi-slab cutter for years now, but here's a tip: make sure you wipe all remnants of clay from each wire. If you let the clay dry on the very thin wires, they will erode and pop. So keep it clean and you'll have it for years. I'm on my second one in 5 years.

  2. wow that was easy!
    What a great tip.
    I think I shall try to make one.
    Thanks for sharing this super fabulous idea.

  3. AHHHH I'm going to scream, now I'm going to buy it! I need this. Yesterday.

  4. Neat, hey you might not remember me and I hope you don't think I'm terribly horrible, but when you asked for a portrait I made one but never could contact you. If you want your portrait you can find it at


  5. WOW!! This looks great- thanks for sharing!

  6. I have got to get one of these. Who ever invented this was a genius.

  7. I've been contemplating buying a slab roller all year & I stumble upon this! This would be great for my k-2 kids!!!

  8. I am currently teaching my 1st year at an elementary school with about 650 students! Give me MORE HELPFUL HINTS!!!!! :)

  9. I am currently teaching my 1st year at an elementary school with about 650 students! I would LOVE MORE HELPFUL HINTS for my art room! :)

  10. I'm in love!! I'm ordering this today. Thanks so much for sharing!!
