
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

8th Grade, Final Project

Hello 8th grade!

This post is for Jan 15th, 16th, 17th and 18th.  You will be wrapping up this quarter with a couple of digital options.  Let's start with the requirements...

Go to your google drive and create a google presentation.  You can embellish it with different fonts, backgrounds, and pictures from our flickr account.  To insert a image into a google presentation try to copy and paste... if that doesn't work, please learn more by clicking here 

Here's what I want to see on the presentation.

slide 1: Your name, hour you have class, and grade
slide 2: One thing you learned during your drawing unit.  You made a tessellation and a morph for the YAM contest
slide 3: One thing you learned durning your painting unit. You did a watercolor of the woods and a camouflage hand
slide 4: One thing you learned during the sculpture unit.  You did a clay plate and art history piece (click here for the video's of your sculptures
slide 5: One thing you learned with your jewelry unit.  You made a bracelet
slide 6: At least one thing you found interesting while on our tour of the high school
slide 7: One thing you wish we would have had more time for and why.
slide 8:  Anything you created digitally.  What did you learn while in the lab the last 4 days of the quarter (you might have to do this on Friday)

Please put the effort into this project.  You have 4 days to show me and your parents what you did this quarter.  Be creative, make it beautiful!!  When you are done making you google presentation I would like you to send the link to both me and your parents for final review. When finished with the presentation you can do the following extras.

  • Create a digital notan.  This is a project using Sumo.FM (click herewhich you will log into using your google account.  Listen to the tutorial of the project (use headphones if you have them) and give it a try (click here for tutorial).  Challenge yourself with the notan (make lots of transitions, and intricate shapes)
  • If you finish up with a notan, make another one or experiment with Sumo.FM.  It a fun program.    Please send me the link to your artwork that you have 'saved to' so I can see it.
  • You can do anything off my art resources page. (click here)
  • Check ut parent portal so you know your grade for art (and your other classes).(click here)

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