
Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Adding images into a Google Presentation

7th and 8th grade are making a google presentation as a digital portfolio for the quarter as their final project.  Each student will be asked to sent the portfolio to both myself and their parents.  This screen cast will tell you how to off load a picture from Flickr and place it into a google presentation.

Update:  While in the lab, one of my genius students found out that on a PC you simply right click on the image in Flickr and paste it into your google presentation.

7th grade digital portfolio will include:

slide 1: Your name, hour you have class, and grade
slide 2: Variety:  How did we learn it?  What does it mean?  Comment on your work.
slide 3: Unity:  How did we learn it?  What does it mean?  Comment on your work.
slide 4: Emphasis:  How did we learn it?  What does it mean?  Comment on your work.
slide 5: Balance:  How did we learn it?  What does it mean?  Comment on your work.
slide 6: Two point perspective:  How did we learn it?  What are your thoughts about the method?  Comment on your work.
slide 7: One thing you wish we would have had more time for and why.

8th grade digital portfolio will include:   

slide 1: Your name, hour you have class, and grade
slide 2: One thing you learned during your drawing unit.  You made a tessellation and a morph for the YAM contest
slide 3: One thing you learned durning your painting unit. You did a watercolor of the woods and a camouflage hand
slide 4: One thing you learned during the sculpture unit.  You did a clay plate and art history piece
slide 5: One thing you learned with your jewelry unit.  You made a bracelet
slide 6: At least one thing you found interesting while on our tour of the high school
slide 7: One thing you wish we would have had more time for and why.
slide 8:  Anything you created digitally.  What did you learn while in the lab the last 4 days of the quarter (you might have to do this on Friday)

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