
Monday, June 23, 2014

AOE Confernce

The Art of Education Conference is right around the corner

It's coming!!  The 3rd annual Art of Education Conference!! I'm so excited.  I always come away from this conference with GREAT ideas and goals for my upcoming school year.

I have been privileged to take part in all three conferences thus far and I love every minute.  My presentation this year is going to be about feedback in the classroom.  I put a lot of effort into piloting and documenting feedback techniques for both the middle school and elementary.  I also have my daughter Matisse helping a bit in this presentation.  It's going to be a lot of fun.

As with most conferences and/or networking, I'm always impressed with the energy it gives me to try something new.  So many of you have amazing ideas and projects that I pull from.  If it has been a success for you and your students/community... I want to bring it to mine.  I KNOW that I will walk away from this year with even more amazing ideas and goals.  The conference last winter inspired a lot of great ideas (see previous post about goals, and new apps).

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