
Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Why Artist Trading Cards? Reason Two-- Resources

Reason number two why you would want to join the Artist Trading Card swap this year... Because I'll teach your kids for you.

I have prepared several flipped lessons to bring your students (or just you) through the process of Artist Trading Cards.
  • What is an Artist Trading Card?: This lesson will give a quick description of what an ATC is and it should get students pumped up to join in. 
  • What is a quality Artist Trading Card?: This post has not only a short video of ways to determine quality in an artwork, but it also has students project samples and prompts for you to go through with your students. 
  • How to prepare an Artist Trading Card?: This is a newer post.  I am choosing to teach my students differently this year for preparing an ATC. Plus there is an amazing new stamp that I have shared in this post that can create the information on the back of each card.
As if that wasn't enough resources I have a playlist on my Youtube called Artist Trading Cards. These are videos from me and others all about Artist Trading Cards. 

Need more inspiration??? How about Pinterest?? (click here)


What?? You want to see what others did last year?? Here ya go... Click here

Two days to go people.  The sign-up for Artist Trading Cards will be Friday, Aug. 5th, 2016 at 8 AM... Get it on your Google calendar now! 


  1. Replies
    1. I thought there would be a couple of resources that you could us Beth! Glad to here you are in!!
