
Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Why Artist Trading Cards? Reason One-- New Products

This post has been a long time in the making.  Last year I posted about preparing an Artist Trading Card (click here for previous post) The video gives some good ideas of how to create independent workers who can provide ATC's for themselves rather than expecting the teacher to create the correct size for them.  Most students preferred using a tracer for their cards. 

I also show a stamper on that post for the information on the back of the card.  As I did, I had several people write me to ask about the stamper.  I just went online and created an address stamp but put the ATC information rather than an address, so the answer was more difficult than it should have been.

I'm excited to share with you that I have a better answer to that question... Where did you get that stamp? I contacted a woman named Gina and asked if she could design something that was more attractive and fits the requirements of the card better.  She does hand written address stamps and created this beautiful stamp that you see below.  

I love it!! I asked for all my information to be placed on the stamp as well so recipients of our cards can tweet or comment on my blog to celebrate the trade.  It's also adorable! Check out Gina's Etsy Shop and get your order in now before the school rush. (Click here for the Letter Girl's Etsy Shop)

A second way that I want to share with you that you can prepare your Artist Trading Cards is by printing off a template.  Here is a template that I have created that you are more than welcome to use.

Be ready on Friday to sign up for the Artis Trading Card Swap right here on MiniMatisse.  I have a feeling we are going to crush the record from last year.