
Monday, September 19, 2016

Carmen Herrera, The 100 Years Show

The bad news is, I've been in school two weeks and I'm sick.  Good news is, I can't sleep and I've caught up on some Netflix.  New to Netflix this week was a documentary called The 100 Years Show.  Some of my favorite people in this world is my 92-year-old Grandpa and his slightly younger wife, my Grandma. I adore hearing the stories they have to share. 

When I clicked on the story of Carmen Herrera, I didn't know it was one of an Artist.  A 100+ year-old WORKING artist. As I watched I learned that she was shown at the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, and I'm sad that I didn't know about her then.  I would have loved to see her show and according to an article on the Walker's site I missed the show by just a month. 

The other Netflix show that I have watched this weekend due to being sick is Mad Men.  Yes, I know I'm behind times, but keep in mind I don't watch too much TV... That's my secret for the often asked question... 'How do you find the time?' Anyway, Mad Men. WOW, I have heard how women and minorities were treated differently, but watching the first episodes of this show gets my blood boiling. Who would I have been if it weren't for people like Faith Ringold who fought for the rights of women, minorities, and equality in the Arts and the world?  

This woman was almost 90 before she was 'discovered' for her talent.  A talent that is equal to the peers she once had in the art world.  Her geometric shapes are stunning, bold, and modern...50 years ago and now. I appreciated the 30-minute clip teaching me about perseverance and a drive to keep living. One of my favorite lines from this video was, 'All my friends have passed away. So, I just make new ones.' Her drive to create is her drive to live and that was very inspirational to me this morning as I took another dose of cold medicine. 

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