
Tuesday, September 13, 2016

New Solution for Supplies

Making some changes to my room and routine this year.  I'm moving more and more choice based every year.  This year, I have created parts of my room to be 'stations' if you will.  Each area will support a different medium of art.  Last year I had all supplies in one area...

It worked OK... but I wanted to open things up a bit, make it more obvious when things are missing.  I found the solution in my room. I changed the bookshelf into a supply board. 

As I introduced this to my students I asked what glue was the 'right' kind of glue to use.  They guessed every glue before I said... You get to choose!  You get to choose what is right for your project.  EVERY class gasped.  They were so excited.  Yep, that is what I said, excited to choose what adhesive they used.  They get to choose what size scissors they use.  They get to choose.  Hoo Ray for simple changes in my life that make a huge impact on my students!


  1. That is fantastic! It's funny how they can get so excited to use the "gooey" glue :)

  2. Where did you find your supply board?

    1. It was a book shelf that I converted to a supply shelf
