
Monday, September 12, 2016

WAEA Conference in La Crosse Wisconsin

I had a sister weekend this week.  I am the oldest of 4 girls and this weekend we chose to all get together in La Crosse, Wisconsin.  I thought I would write about the top 10 reasons you should do the same.  Here we go!! 

Reason 10: 

It's a great place to go if you are 4 sisters or even if you are not 4 sisters.  There are two locations to this bar (one by the river and one in downtown) It had some of the most yummy drinks and a great variety of wine and food. This place has an amazing atmosphere.

Reason 9:  

La Crosse has a store called Beef and Ect. We never did find out what the etcetera stood for but we were imagining prom dresses.  Actually, now that I'm linked the site, maybe we should have stopped... looks like a great menu.  

Reason 8:

There are dance lessons available on the sidewalks. We also discovered funny, and heartwarming quotes throughout downtown that have been placed in the concrete. 

Reason 7:

We found an establishment called Earl's Grocery and Saloon. We certainly found the saloon part... just not the grocery part :) Fun little place here. 

Reason 6:

The amazing views is the sixth reason you should visit La Crosse, Wi.  There are several hiking trails available for every ability level. The bluffs of the riverside are so beautiful. 

Reason 5: 

The Co-op has a Bistro upstairs called Hackberry's.  So many AMAZING choices at this restaurant.  Look how beautiful the salad bar is.  I'll be sure to hit this one again. 

Reason 4: 

The shopping was a lot of fun!  We went to several shops but I bought a sweet little necklace at the Painted Porch.  The ladies were so welcoming that worked there. 

Reason 3:

The river is beautiful.  There is a walking path along the river and it was hop'n with activity the whole weekend.  You could tell that this was a place that the local community loved and visited. 

Reason 3: 

Reason number three why you have to visit La Crosse, Wi is the Wisconsin Art Education Association Conference Oct. 20th and 21st. It will be located at the Pump House this year.  It's a beautiful venue in the middle of a beautiful city. 

Reason 2:

Cassie Stephens.  Need I say more?  This energetic elementary art teacher from Nashville will be sharing her tips and tricks as the keynote speaker this year!  

Reason 1:

This is very selfish... but the number one reason I think you should visit La Crosse, Wi is because I want to meet you.  I love connecting with our online #PLN (Professional Learning Network).  It's so great to chat on social media, but there will never be a replacement for meeting face to face and connecting that way.

I will be presenting on Flipped Classroom at the WAEA conference on Oct. 20th/21st and truly hope you come introduce yourself to this Minnesota gal! See you then.


  1. You were in La Crosse!?! YAY! Can't wait for you to come back in October! Thanks for the post! :) - Tiffany
