
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

#Crush #K12ArtChallenge

Last year I wrote about my #Crush. I shared the things I loved and it gave me a chance to acknowledge some people that I would have not otherwise shared my appreciation for.  I wanted to do that again this February and thought I would invite you to join me.  

For those of you on Twitter you may know about the #K12ArtChat that occurs every Thurs. night at 8:30 CST.  A Twitter chat is a time that everyone goes onto twitter and we all talk about given questions in real time.  If you want to know more about this check out my previous post (click here). 

Many of the group participates in a #k12ArtChallenge.  This challenge is for us... for adults... creative people... to help us grow.  This month the challenge can be met anyway that you choose.  I have given some prompts above.  You will share your #Crush for each of these prompts.  What is your favorite management tool, song, or art product?  You can draw a picture to share the information with us, you can take a photo, you can simply write a word or share a link.  I will be doing the same and sharing it on both Instagram and Twitter.  Tag me (Twitter) @MiniMatisse or (Instagram) @MiniMatisseArt.  Also be sure to hashtag it with #K12ArtChallenge and/or #Crush.  Can't wait to have you join me this year in sharing our #Crush!!

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