
Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Teacher #Crush

February 1st: My Teacher #Crush

In this post let me celebrate just one of the MANY teachers who helped shape me to be the person I am today.  See... I am a true believer of 'it takes a village'.  I needed every teacher, mentor, and leader in my life to help shape me.  Today I'm going to go way, way back to when I was in preschool.  I had a teacher named Jeanne Kuhlmann.  Jeanne ran a preschool out of her house but she saw the person I would become when I was just a little girl. 

Jeanne provided what I feel preschool should be, she gave us a place to play, explore, and interact with other little people.   I remember the makeup of the classroom and pictures and evaluations help me remember more of what makes preschool and Mrs. Kuhlmann such an important influence in my life. 

I remember going on a wonder bread tour one time.  We each got our own mini loaf of bread. We also went to Otto's Bakery, Otto showed us how he decorated a cake.  I remember this day of graduation (pictured above)... I was so nervous to walk down the stairs in front of all of those parents. One of my clearest memories of Jeanne's room was a paint easel.  Every chance I could get, I was over there painting, or building blocks.  Some parents might think that I painted too much, I should be learning my letters or numbers... but look where my experiences brought me.  I'm an ART teacher.  I work with kids every day, allowing them to create when they come into the Art Studio.  For some kids, this is where their future is, so let them explore.  Mrs. Kuhlmann knew that and had me pegged as an artist from the start.

Through the eyes of my teacher, I'm able to know what kind of a kid I was when I was 3 and 4 years old.  It turns out I liked to play with boys better than girls. I was inquisitive and willing.  She mentions that I like painting and blocks in the two years I was in preschool. These documents that she took the time to fill out give me an idea of what kind of a person I was when I was very young. 

In addition, she showed growth of her students.  What?? You thought that was a new fad that education just came up with now?? NO WAY!  Mrs. Kuhlmann did a portfolio to show student growth for all of her students.  Look at the growth I showed from 3-year-old to 4-year-old. 


Or how about this?  The growth in one year when asked to draw a person.

3 year-old drawing

4 year-old drawing
She even captured and shared this picture with us.  I drew a picture of my family members.  I have my Dad, my sister, and my Mom is pregnant with the next sister in line. 

Looking at all this documentation from Jeanne as an educator now tells me what kind of a teacher she was.  She was one to take the time to get to know us as little people. She shared that information with our families.  She allowed us to explore and exposed us to new opportunities. She let us find ourselves and for that I admire this pre-school teacher of mine. Jeanne Kuhlman is my Teacher #Crush.

Now it's your turn, share who your Teacher #Crush is.  Tag it on Instagram or Twitter with  #k12ArtChallenge and if you can, tag me in it too... @MiniMatisss/@MiniMatisseArt

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