
Monday, February 13, 2017

Book #Crush

February 13: Book #Crush

I love reading... well, no.  I take that back.  I love listening.  I'm an +Audible  girl all the way.  I always have a book downloaded. I love listening to a story when I'm cleaning, creating, out for a walk, or driving. These were this year top picks for me. Yep, today I'm going to have a #crush on two picks rather than one.

The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah was suggested to me by my book club and specifically my good friend Ena.  This book gave pause to my life, it made me think about the choices that people have to make in war.  How the line of good and bad are blurred in extreme stress.  And the intense struggles and sacrifice that war brings to the people living amongst it.  This historic fiction made me feel so deeply, made me question my struggles and strengths. It was a tremendous book and I will be seeking her other books in the near future. 

Trevor Noah wrote, Born a Crime.  I just went on to +Audible and looked at some of the 'top picks'.  This was described as an African Comity.  I thought to myself... What does that mean?  Would this Minnesota girl find comity of Africa funny?

First, The narration was amazing in this book.  Second, it was short, and short stories too... so it fit into my life. Third... YES, I found myself laughing out loud throughout the book. I also felt my heart become heavy... my eyes open... and lessons learned. 

This book was about now, not "back then". Trevor Noah is 32 years old. He is younger than me.  This is not way back in the day.  It's now. Hearing these stories from a background so different than mine was important to me right now in this world we live in. Compassion, Empathy, and Communication of a different experience is what this book was all about.

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