
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Friend #Crush

February 14: Friend #Crush

Well, this year my friend crush must be one of my oldest friends... no, wait, not old... I mean she's the same age as me... I'm not old, so she's not old.  Wait, I'm trying to say we have been friends for a long time. :) My friend Marni and I went to elementary school, middle school, and high school together. We are not those friends who talk to each other every day... or even once a week... but when we do, we laugh.

She calls out of the blue.  She sends me letters or pictures.  She sent me this cup for Christmas and boy did it make me laugh... and laugh... and laugh.

It made me laugh so much that when it was my birthday, my daughter included a drawing of it on my card because... 'That cup makes you so happy mom."

It made me so happy that I brought Marni to my family Christmas. She made everyone happy :) 

My friend Marni always makes me laugh. That is what she gives to me, laughter EVERY time I'm with her.  We talk real things and no, life isn't always peachy... but in the end, we smile, and laugh.  Every year I go to a girls weekend with Marni and lots of other great friends.  Our trip is in a couple of days and I can't wait!  I know I will not get any sleep, and we will laugh... I can't wait! That is why this dear friend is my #Crush this year.

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