
Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Winter Portraits

My K's and 1st grade all studied line in the same way, but the end result was where I created a little differentiation. I had my K's take their lines and create hanging mittens.  With some of my 1st grade, I had them create these cute winter portraits. 

First, we created the paper with play colors and liquid watercolor

This paper actually took us two days (hours) to create because we did an extensive study on lines and covered brush management while creating this paper.

On day three, we create the base for our head.  This was a lot of collage work on the students part.

Names were also placed on the white name tag on day one and some students had time to add hair... but not all students. Hair was an option on the final day of this project as well. 

On the final day of this project, students were asked to create the final details of their face with a sharpie black marker. With the time remaining in class, they were asked to add to the background of their portrait with play colors again. If time allowed, they could also add hair and 'extras' such as pom poms and scarf fringe. 

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