
Thursday, July 14, 2016

Behind the Scenes for the #ArtEdNow

I'm so excited that today is the day for the #ArtEdNow presentation. I am presenting twice, once at 10:00 am (ish) talking about flipping the classroom and then at 1:00 pm (ish) with a hands-on lesson with Art to Remember featuring some swag from our #ArtEdNowSwag box. (click here for more details

I wanted to quickly bring you to some of the resources for the presentation today. During my first presentation, Flipping the Classroom, Not Just for Secondary Anymore, I talked about my recording station. Click here to read more about that.

One of the reasons that I flip my classroom is to create a self-paced learning environment for my students.  I talked about a one-point perspective lesson that I implemented this last year, Here is more on that lesson (click here).  Sometimes it's hard to understand how the QR codes work in a classroom, so I have also given a light lesson of Yarn Braiding for FREE to anyone who would like to try it. Click here to get the Yarn Braiding Lesson. If you are looking for more information about devices management or QR codes; What, Why, and How, I have recent posts on both.

Device Management (click here)
QR Codes (click here)

I hope that these links will help you find the resources you are looking for after watching the presentation on #ArtEdNow.  Feel free to leave comments or questions on this post.  Another way to continue the conversation is on #ArtEdNow Attendees Page on Facebook, be sure to tag me (Nic Hahn) so I don't miss it. Or my favorite, Twitter with the #ArtEdNow and @MiniMatisse.

Later in the day, I'm doing a hands-on presentation.  I have used Art to Remember as a fundraiser and they have asked me to work with them to design a lesson for #ArtEdNow.  This hands-on lesson was made possible with a collaboration between A2R and Jack Richeson and their PlayColor Sticks. Here are a couple of outtakes from the hands-on presentation I did with my little helper. 

She's adorable... right?? It was a lot of fun to have a student work beside me for this presentation. Even though a lot of these conversations you see here in this video didn't make the cut for the final, you can tell in both the presentation and the out-takes that I had a blast!  If you attended this online presentation, I hope you had a lot of fun too! 

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