Friday, April 30, 2010

Number Sentence in Art

Number Sentence In Art

Students worked on paper weavings one week. The second week they finished and coated with glitter glaze (shown above). Great product! If you can't use the glaze, use watered down glue and sprinkle some glitter on top.

When the weavings are dry (day three) students were given the following instructions on the board...

1. Do your worksheet.
2. Trace your numbers onto your paper.
3. Draw your vertical and horizontal lines.
4. Outline with sharpie (numbers and lines)
5. Color with many different colors.

As students are working independently, I had the die cut in the back of the room. Students were called back by number and I cut the number out on the die cut for them. They were amazed with the tool!

I thought it was fun to show the kids that numbers can be beautiful. I pointed out that the addition problem was correct on two levels. One, it showed them what the numbers added up to be. Second, it shows that vertical plus horizontal lines equals a weaving (which uses both kinds of lines). The final project looks fun and clearly shows learning other subject matters through art!

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