Saturday, August 14, 2010

Last Chapter

This is another page I felt I had to include on my blog. I hope by including my 'last chapter' of the 2010-2011 school year, I will have a focused year ending with great success! Please lean more about the 'last chapter' by visiting the page and let me know if you have created your own. I will be more then happy to check in with you throughout the year to see if you are making your goals:)! Please do the same for me!


  1. I have never written them down, but I definitely do set annual goals, so here they are for this year. My 2010-2011 goals are:

    1) to reinstate the annual art show that disappeared when we moved into a new building and the reamshackle display flats were destroyed. This goal involves finding the resources to either purchase or build new flats.

    2)to form a good working relationship with the new secondary art teacher (who hasn't been hired yet) and help her/him revitalize and rebuild a program that has floundered at the secondary level for many years, and also with the new elementary music teacher in the room next door to mine.

    2)to publish a student written & illustrated book, working collaboratively with a 1st and 3rd, and possibly a 4th grade teacher, with the theme Adirondack Animals.

    3) to learn to use the Adobe Elements program that was installed on my school computer at the end of the last day of school in June, and the new scanner that should arrive in my classroom any day!

    4)to continue to strive to have a positive complaint-free attitude in school and life, no matter what gets thrown at me. I'll blog about this sometime soon.

    5) and finally, to complete everything I want to complete with the kids (always a tough goal) which is significant because I will either retire at the end of this year (when my son graduates from college) or next year (when our contract expires) and I have so many things I want to do! The hardest part is I have to let them know if I'm retiring by November, and I'm not ready to make the decision.

    That's enough goals, right? Thanks for getting me to write them down!

  2. I like this idea. I like the way you have kept these goals fairly uncomplicated, focusing on your big picture (ha! - no pun intended).
