Friday, September 9, 2011

Lots of firsts...

It was my son's 1st day of kindergarten yesterday. This is an email I received from his teacher about midday. It got me through the day with a smile...

...He's doing great.  He said that if we don't behave on the bus our parents will write a note to Santa Claus. LOL!!!!!  Love his tie.

From, Mrs. G


  1. Congratulations! Enjoy every minute - it seems like barely yesterday and now mine's a college grad.

  2. What a handsome kindergartener he is!

  3. Yay! What a big Kindergartner. I hope he is enjoying his first week.

  4. Awesome teacher for an awesome kid! Love love love it! I could only WISH for Stella to have a teacher like this (or move to your neighborhood)
