Friday, December 26, 2014

Shape Robots

The 2nd grade worked on Geometric shapes by creating shape robots.  The first thing in this project was to practice geometric shapes on the background.  They used lots of shapes and filled the page.  If they had extra time, they colored the shapes in.  Then students drew the robots and painted them with metallic paint. They cut them out after they were dry and placed them on black paper.  The black paper was 'bubble cut' so the robot had an outline.  The final step to this project was an assessment that was placed on the back of the project.

I use assessments for a couple of reasons.  I think it's good to see what each student knows verbally, written, and through demonstration.  It gives me a good idea to base their grade on.  More so, I use these pages to explain what we are learning in art class to parents as these artworks go home.  I have implemented more and more writing into these assessments and I love reading through them. Many times the story is structured like my Monster Medium stories.  Other times it's very factual like the one below.

Here are some supporting videos to help out with this project if you want to do something similar. 

The one below is one that I used last year for my 2nd grade.  Our robots were a little different using cut shapes rather then drawn.

This was a great one for the sub to show when I was absent. 

This one is a little rough, I didn't take the time to clean it up.  It give you the idea of how the project was introduced.


  1. Great Lesson and assessment. Thanks for posting.

  2. Can you please post the shape sheet you used for this lesson? Our 2nd graders are studying the same unit. Thank you in advance. I love your site. You are very creative.

    1. I just typed in geometric shapes into google. Here was a cute one when I just did that looking for the one I used (which I couldn't find),
