This lesson I gave several weeks ago, but having the kids only once every 6 days, it really stretches out a lesson. Our elementary students really celebrate 100 day. It's fun! I happened to be working on self-portraits with my K's and 1's (1st grade didn't have art as Kindergarten so they are getting some of the same lessons). I gave a pre-test in a mini portfolio. this small book asks students to draw themselves with no direction from me. On page number two, students follow along with me as I teach them about drawing a face. Page number three I had them draw themselves as if they were 100 years old. They thought this was so funny. We talked about aging a face and the kindergarten teachers shared an app with me that can do that to an image of a face. The above picture is a image of me after I have been 'aged' on

As you can see, the kids created 100-day crowns in their homeroom and everything. It is always fun to watch young artist draw themselves. They did these three images in one hour. I will update you on day two soon.
What a fun idea for the 3 part drawing!! I love it! I've been struggling teaching 1st graders how to draw a self portrait, and I like this! It eases them into it, and the picture of them when they're 100 is hilarious!