Saturday, June 27, 2015

Expanding the Classroom Walls, @MNStreetCar

There is no doubt in my mind that riding a Street Car for most of my students would be amazing!  This Street Car is located around Lake Harriet, a celebrated area in our Twin Cities area.  The cost is $2.00 per person with a slight discount to larger groups.  This on its own could not be a field trip for my school, but in conjunction with some other attractions in the area, it would be nice to add it onto the day.  For example, our group did some Geocaching on the site.  As I was driving home I realized that the Bakken Museum was on the Lake too.  This is a science-based facility. On the lake, one can rent kayaks and Stand-up Paddle Boards. There is also live music often in the bandshell, but that is in the evenings.  I think a trip to the Lake Harriet area might be very successful for Middle School.  I could see the many activities being utilized in a rotation sort of way.  This would get kids out, exploring the beauty of the area, and supporting several subjects.  What if a school broke their groups into several groups walking from the Bakken museum, Geocaching on the way to the streetcar, perhaps doing some observational drawing after that at a designated location, and finishing up with some water activities. Could make for a fun packed day!

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