Sunday, October 30, 2011

Step 3- QR code Project- Creating a QR code

After I have recorded the movie, uploaded it to YouTube… not is tis time to make a QR code.

  • You will see a place to copy the URL code of the YouTube video.  Just plug it in and hit generate.

  • It will pop out a code. On this site you can find a HTML code below the image.  I took all of these codes and placed them in a word document.  I also drug the image into the document as well.
  • When completely printed out I cut and hung the codes by the work.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Step two: QR Code Project- YouTube

As I mentioned in my previous posts, I have recorded the desired footage and uploaded it to YouTube.  I guess I should first say that in order to do this you will need a YouTube account.  I have found this to be a great educational tool.  I can add to my favorites 'how-to' videos, educational clips and there are so many videos about artist and artwork.  All can be added to my 'favorites'.  In addition, all video's that I upload are located on 'my channel'.  This is helpful for when I am teaching a project a second time or I want a sub to present a video I had created perviously.  YouTube can be a great educational tool and if it blocked for you, advocate to have it opened for teacher use.

Here are a couple of settings that I make when I upload video…

When I go into the settings up my video's these are a couple of changes I make when students are involved.  I never put last names. Sometimes I will describe with is going on, but other times I will not. I always change the category to Educational, if appropriate.

I like to make my video's unlisted.  This means that only people with a link can get to the video.  I just like the idea of only letting groups who I want to view videos the chance to.  When students are involved, I take off comments, ratings and responses to videos.  I think this keeps it a little safer for the students involved. Finally I always leave ON the embed code.  This allows me to embed in webpages, blogs, and other educational locations.

This was the second step I did when making the QR codes project.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Step one: QR code Project- iMovie

I have had a lot of questions about the QR codes and I thought I would bring you through that process a bit more.  I have one iPad 2 in my classroom and I use it for real time grading, attendance, and I use it for learning apps (I can project the iPad too).  My favorite thing by far is iMovie App.  I use it all the time.  With the middle school I was able to put the iPad into their hands a bit more.

When students finished early I gave them a set of prompts.  In my office I set up a easel for their art work and an easel with iPad on it.  I set up iMovie so it was in record mode.  The camera was set up so they could watch themselves recording.  They placed the prompts out of site and hit record.  There was no one else in the room and I think this help students feel comfortable.  I also showed them how to rerecord if needed.  When they were finished I titled the project and uploaded it to YouTube.  This wraps up the first step of my QR code project.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

New Label: Art Notes

I am adding a new label called Art Notes to my blog.  I have used Art Notes with ages as young as kindergarten on up to the 8th grade students I am working with now.  I feel that this would work well in high school too.  I use Art Notes mostly as a communication tool.  I might cover any of the following with Art Notes…

·      Self Critique
·      Art Knowledge
·      Peer Critiques
·      Resource List
·      Art Advocacy
·      Cross-Curricular Learning
·      Art Process

Here is a Art Note that you might want to use.  This is my Art Process Art Note.  I use this for mostly reflection of an art lesson.  This is a perfect printmaking or clay wrap up.  Click here for a link to this google doc.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

QR Codes in Action!

Kyleigh using an iPad to show her mom her Youtube explaining her artwork.

Parents at Rogers Middle school were able to hear from the artist themselves during conferences.  Nichole Hahn, Art Specialist at Rogers Middle School allowed students who completed their project early to record themselves talking about their art.  They discussed how they made the art and gave a self reflection of what they were most proud of and what they would change if they did it again.  Mrs. Hahn create a QR code that and hung it by the art work.  This way parents could use smart phones, iPads, or iPods to interact with the artwork displayed thought out the building.


Here is an example of one of the QR codes.  If you scan it, it will bring you to a student talking about their art.  Go ahead… Give it a try:)

Friday, October 21, 2011


I just discovered tube snacktools!  I have a feeling I will be using them a lot.  I like the look of what they create.  Below is a example of Tubesnack.   Here is an example of that…

Do you use SnackTools?  What are the limitations of the free version?  Would you suggest purchasing an account?  Why?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Slide Share Elements and Principles of Art

Elements And Principles of Art
View more presentations from kpikuet

While looking for presentations on Elements and Principles I was pleased to run across this slide share.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Advertising the QR codes...

So I have been talking quite a bit about using QR codes in the classroom and I think I finally have a way to try it.  For the last project that students finished I asked some students to sit in front of the iPad and do an iMovie of themselves talking about their art.

My plan is to attach a QR code to the youtube of the students and allow viewers to hear first hand about the art from the artist themselves.  I put this on a discussion thread on ArtEd 2.0 Ning and got some good discussion  Theresa McGee suggested that I prepare the parents before conferences.  She told me to send them how to have the proper app available on their phone.  GREAT idea!

Here is the worksheet I adapted for my classes.  I used a lot of verbiage from a post I saw from Jump Scan.  I will send this home tomorrow in hopes that parents will get word of my interactive art projects.

If you would like to look or use the worksheet, feel free.  Click here for a link to the google doc.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Teaching Composition with Rungius

In learning what to do with my middle school students I discovered that these students know the facts.  These kids are coming to me knowing the elements of art but the principles are another whole thing.  I have been asking my students to create good composition with out teaching them how to do so.  Here is a website I stumbled across when looking for ways to teach composition.  Composing with Wildlife

Friday, October 14, 2011

Have you heard planking?

Do you know what planking is?  I have been sick the last couple of days and I got to catch up on some  I watch 'The Office' and laughed the whole time because of planking.  I thought it was just an office thing but no… It's a pop culture thing…

Maybe it is the cold medicine that is getting me through the day today, or maybe it is because it is a Friday or the weather is changing… but my kids made me laugh so hard as I walked into my art room today to find this.  7th graders planking all over my room.  I laughed out loud, told them NO PLANKING… it can be dangerous.  (and then asked them to plank one more time for this picture).  :)

This is it!!!  This is why I teach.  You have read my stories before but again I say I love to teach!  I love that the kids are so funny (most of the time not trying to be).  I love that I can joke with them, make them smile, and they return the favor!  These kids are wonderful, fun, unpredictable, and hilarious!  Again I say, the kids are the reason I teach!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Mrs. Brown's Art Class

Another GREAT resource for K-5 visual art teachers.  Mrs. Brown had some great lesson plans and a wonderful site!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Art Resource Center by Scholastic

Another great resource to share with you.  Have you heard? The NEW Art Resource Center, developed by Prismacolor and Scholastic, is open and soon to become your favorite online hub for art resources.
Teachers, download the dynamic lesson plans andstudent worksheets. Invite your students to experience the center where they will be absorbed in the amazing art galleries and artist bios. It's full of inspiration.
It's all here:  Thank you for inspiring your students to be creative!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

What a great place for tutorials.  Thanks WatercolorPainting. com!  I used you quite a bit in class this last week!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Becker Middle School ROCKS!

Becker Middle School is AMAZING… Well Mrs. Hare is wonderful and her students are very talented!  We received an amazing package from Becker middle school students today.  Mrs. Hare has packaged the grouping of cards with great care! 

Each section was labeled with the them of the cards.  Here is an example of texture page.

The cards were in nice and neat plastic loners.  They are amazing works of mini art pieces.  I'm totally impressed!  Way to go Becker Students!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

MIA… What a Great Place for Teachers!

Great images and teacher guide from the MIA for the Day of the Dead.  I visit the Minneapolis Institute of Art on a regular basis and many of my students have also have the opportunity to do so too.  But if you are not from Minnesota and perhaps don't know of this Museum… it's worth checking out.  They send out emails with GREAT teacher resources and have a wonderful website with their collection.