In May, I posted on Instagram that I was recording for The Art Ed Now conference. I was so excited to present on something new to me... sketchnotes. I should rephrase that... I have done sketchnotes my whole life, in my classes, at conferences, in meetings... I used sketchnotes all the time. I have not brought this skill into my classroom up until now.
The Art of Education always puts on an amazing conference and I have been honored to be part of it for the last 9 conferences. This one was record breaking, says Tim Bogatz of the Art of Education in his recap post. It was so much fun presenting on this subject because there were several participants that created sketchnotes for the rest of the conference.
I'm really excited to be working in the middle school this next year. I have never worked with 6th grade and with a job change, I will be for the 2017/18 school year. How exciting! Even better is the fact that 6-12th grade will have 1:1 chrome books! My lessons are going to be flipped, organized, and online for students to access. My 6th graders will be working on the national standards specifically responding and connecting using sketchnotes. Before they can do that... they need to know what sketchnotes are.
I have created the first Unit of this study... my hope is after students have completed this unit of study, they will be able to sketchnote during the creative process, and during my lessons. Who knows... maybe even outside of the art room. In fact, this lesson is designed for any teacher who would like to give their students another tool for obtaining information in a way that allows them to connect with the content in a deeper way.
Here is an example of one of the eight videos in this Introduction to Sketchnoting...
After students watch this short video, they are invited to do a challenge. This is using one page in their sketchbook/notebook to practice the skills discussed in this section of the lesson. Eight videos... Eight challenges.

You can present this lesson to your students in so many ways. If you are a Seesaw School... You can share this via Seesaw. Schoology school? Share it on Schoology. Your school does not have technology in all the kid's hands?? No problem. This is designed so that you, the teacher, can use it in a group learning situation. Because these videos are so short, you could share this at the beginning of class for a warm up or at the end and assign the 'challenge' for homework.

Allow me to share this lesson with you. I hope you find it as exciting as I do. Now until Friday, Aug. 11th there is a sale on this lesson to celebrate it's role out! Enjoy...
Click here for the Introduction to Sketchnoting lesson plan
on Teacher pay Teachers.
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