I have been sitting on this for a while now... I can't any more because I want to make it happen... and I've run into a road block. So... Here we go!
I fell in love with NBC's 'Making It' this fall. It was a crafting competition for Artist. Each week the contestant would be asked to make two projects and then one person would be asked to leave the competition. This show was amazing because it allowed Art to be highlighted, it chose mostly 'unknowns' or more like 'The Artist Next Door", and it was positive, funny, and promoted creativity (something we need more of on TV). I would get together with my Art Teacher friend, Leah Schultz and we would laugh at all the puns and analyzed the work. We would talk about how we could use it in class and dream about having the opportunity to take part in such a program. It was Sunday Night Football for Art Teachers!! I would jump on Twitter and talk to my online PLN (Professional Learning Network) about the show and was happy to have dialect with people from all over the USA about this show that brought us together. OK... So I kind of like the show :)
Anyway, there was one Artist who was so interesting to me. His name is Billy Kheel. He is a fibers Artist that really had a different look then the typical 'crafty' person. His work was masculine in subject... sports, fishing... that kind of thing. He showed humor in his Art and created with the same kind of spirit. The whole season, all I could think is WOW, this guy would be great for the boys of Hassan to meet. As I mentioned, I was social about the show 'Making It' and would message the participants after I would watch an episode. I messaged Billy after he was asked to leave the show and just put out a big question to see what if...
I asked if he has been a Visiting Artist before to a school... He said yes. So we started talking about how he might be able to come and visit my students of Hassan Elementary. This means Billy would be working with all 850 students Kindergarten through Fifth Grade. He would come to our school for 6 days so he would meet with each class. He said yes!! So now the logistics.
Here is my plan. I will be pumping up the kids starting this month. We will have a 'Making It' Challenge for students at Hassan Elementary. I will be introducing it in the next week or so and students will be able to 'Make It' outside of class (I will be posting about this opportunity soon). Then we will use a few minutes of class to just get a taste of the show... Making It. This will allow my students to know the show, and 'meet' Billy... Don't be surprised if your kids want to watch the whole season at home. Then, the hope is to have enough funds to bring Billy in soon after Holiday break.
I have been able to fundraise some money for the Art Program but I'm still a little short. I have now placed a Donors Choose wish out there to make the final amount of money to make this a reality. If any parents of Hassan might be thinking about donating a gift card to the Art room for the holidays, can I ask you to put your money here instead? If there is a family who is passionate for this opportunity, please donate. If there is a family who has flight miles, or access to a hotel room for a reduced rate, contact me... Let's get Billy to teach our kids for a week. Think about it... they would be learning from a 'Movie Star'. A person with this much Social Media presents will certainly be a powerful experience.
If you have the funds and desire to help out the students of Hassan... Please visit my Donors Choose Wish!

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