Thursday, April 30, 2020


Remember that time that Billy Kheel came to Hassan Elementary?? Yah... that was fun. It was so much fun that our district placed him and the Hassan Crow River project in the calendar for April...

Oh yah... and if that wasn't enough... our district was so proud to bring this famous Maker to Hassan Elementary that he was also on the COVER of our year long calendar!!

You guys!! GUESS WHAT?? He is going live TODAY!! Thursday, April 30 at 2pm CST (12 noon, PST). You will have to have Instagram or access to Instagram to watch it live. You know the show he was on, Making It? Well they are doing a #MakingitatHome Challenge. This week the challenge is to use cardboard to make with.

If you miss the 'LIVE' it's archived a the same link. You can watch it when it works for you.

Last week I participated when the challenge was to make something with the loan sock.  I made this 'Zoom' Meeting with little sock heads.

Let me show you how I made the head...

I used three socks, Polyfil, a rubber band, scissors and fabric paint for the face. 

1) Stuff a colored sock with some Polyfil. Don't have any? Open up an old pillow and use that stuffing, use other socks to fill the space, how about some paper, use paper? Use what you have, I just happened to have Polyfil. I used a rubber band at the bottom of the stuffing to keep it in place.

2) Place a light weight, long sock at an angle and tie the sick into a knot. 

3) put a SMALL hole in the sock. Place the first knot through the hole. 

Then knot the other sock to match the first one. 

4) Paint the face up. You can see I'm using fabric paints but you could try marker, or glueing Googly Eyes on. Use what you have... I just happen to have fabric paints. 

The body is just paper and buttons. I needed some glue as well and I used hot glue for this. You could use a tin can and decorate that. Maybe a toilet paper tube... USE WHAT YOU HAVE!! 

There is one Folk Art style Sock Head Person!!! 

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