Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Virtual Potluck Using Google Slides

I am always up for Some Good News and that is why John Krasinski is my new favorite thing to watch every Monday Morning! He has started a News Show that is just my style! I wake up on Monday and think about it on my morning commute. Grant it, these days my commute is down two flights of stairs to a spare room that has been make shifted to my distance learning classroom... but I do think about it the whole way to work.  Then I sit down at my desk and fire up my Mac... I get my tissues ready and hit play. This man and the outreach of his contacts have given me so much joy. So... I thought I would try to pay it forward and bring a little joy to my staff as well.  

In the video below, John talks about a Potluck that he invited his viewers to take part in last week. I was inspired to do the same. 

I used this project as a training tool for how to create and manipulate Google Slides. I ended up making a couple of tutorials about the whole process. This is a quick overview of how to personalize a Google Slide Presentation. In the explanation I mention a Chrome Extension called Eye Dropper. Love it so very much.

I thought my staff could work on their skills of using google slides as well as add to the collection of recipes. Here are two ways to add an images in Google Slides. 

Here are some ways to add images and manipulate them for your Google Slide Show.

Here is a very quick video on how to make a Table of Content in a Google Slide Show.

If you are wanting to do this with your staff or just for yourself, or family, or class... yah, your class if you are teaching FACs or Home Ed.  That would be awesome... Here is the Google Template that I made and am happy to share. 

Click here to get a copy of this Virtual Potluck Template

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