Saturday, May 16, 2020

Become a Teacher: Create a Tutorial Using Google Slides

For the 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grades, you will 'Become an Art Teacher' by creating a lesson that we will share to others. You will use Schoology this week to make a lesson to share. If you don't know how to find a Schoology assignment, please click here. If you do, watch this video to learn more about the expectations of how to edit, complete, and submit this assignment. 

There are four options for you to make a tutorial and 'Become a Teacher'. You can add the images of your steps on to one slide. This is the beginner level. You don't add any words, just add your photos. 

Level 2: You will add your images and text (or words). This will show the deeper thinking of how you would explain how to make Art to another person both with visuals (pictures) and words. 
Level 3: You can 'duplicate' the slides changing the position and location of your images, writing words, and adding 'extras' like frames around your images, clip art, arrows, additional text. 

Level Four: I did not talk about this option in my video because we are currently using so many different devices and it would be hard for me to explain how to add a video to a google slide.  That doesn't mean you can't. If you want to take on the challenge and do some research on google to learn how to take a video, you are more than welcome to take on this advanced option.

Delete any slides that you don't use and submit your assessment to Schoology. If you don't know how to do that, please see this video. 

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