Sunday, May 3, 2020

Becoming a Curator: Pet Gallery

There is a website called Sad and Useless that wrote this about a recent Gallery Design for pets. They write...

"What happens when you have lots of free time and need to distract yourself from uncontrollable life events? Well, you create an art gallery for your pet Guinea pig (obviously). That’s exactly what Teresa Mistretta did..."

This is one of the options for you to create as you become a curator.  You will make tiny works of art to go on your wall  for your pet to see. If it the art is themed as your pet, that is a bonus. Here are some pictures of that cute little Guinea Pig's gallery.

Guinea pig enjoying art.

Guinea pig enjoying art.

Guinea pig enjoying art.

Guinea pig enjoying art.

What Teresa did was create small works of art inspired by famous works of Art. She changed the theme to match her pet and hung the works of art with some tape on the wall at a level her pet could enjoy it. 

Fine art.Man and woman with stern expession stand side-by-side. The man holds a pitch fork and wears glasses.

What pet do you have? What Art would your pet enjoy? I can't wait to see the Gallery you create. 

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