The story of the #WelcomeWall started in 2016 with this video. I talk about it a lot more on my latest Everyday Art Room podcast. This video prompted me to start collecting Art from friends and Artist I admire.
In the podcast, I talk about the many ways I have gone about collecting, the request I have made of the Artist, and finally the Artist themselves. I know I have an audience of Visual people so here are the welcome wall pieces in no particular order.
The work above is by Shannon Dickie. Again, listen to the podcast to hear exactly how I acquired these works of art, but here is her professional website with a lot more examples of her work, Shannon Dickie Website. Here's a link to her classroom as well, @rubieartstudio. The commission she made for me is an image of my son.
Bill Hammer is my kids Elementary Art Teacher. This flower will for sure be treasured (and perhaps fought over in the future) because of the love my kids have for this man. If you love his image as much as we do, feel free to contact him via email:
Don Masse is one of my best buddies. You know him as Shine Brite Zamorano. He's an amazing Art Teacher, collaborator, Husband, Dad, and Human. He also is known for this style of art in huge murals and out of chalk on the road. He also has an amazing new line of T-Shirts with his Art featured!
The mixer above is done by the beautiful Katrina Berg... Mom of many and talented Artist. This Utah based painter has a very professional Instagram and Website. I feel like her subjects have changed but her pallet and style is strong. Again, this is a piece that I allowed my kids to have a say in. My son requested the mixer because our family cooks and bakes together.
A local Artist to Minnesota is Lisa Arnold. Lisa and I first met when I brought her into my school as a visiting Artist. She did an amazing mosaic with my students over 10 years ago. I asked her to create a mosaic for my house. She flipped the uniformed frame to the back and used the recessed area to create a bead mosaic. Lisa has an active Instagram page with some really fun new sculptures that she has been working on.
Steph Brooks is a twitter friend and now an Instagram friend as well. Ms. Brooks is a watercolor artist and Waldorf Art Teacher. She practices her craft and the act of creating often and celebrates by posting images. I love her organic shapes in this image. She was one of the first for in this collection!
Miriam Paternoster is a long-time Art Teaching friend from Italy. Although we have never met in person, Miriam and I have worked together a lot. She has done the Artist Trading Cards with my school every year and perhaps even before. She has a beautiful blog and an active Instagram as well. Miriam created this special for me but currently has a love for ceramics. Her work is stunning!
As I looked up Kara Aina's IG account, I lost 10 minutes. There is something about this womans work that draws me in. I scrolled down and even if I have already seen the work, I looked at it again. This woman is so gifted!
I also snagged a work of Art from Tim Needles. This man has such a creative brain! I can't get over it. We connected on Twitter and have had the pleasure to meet him on several occasions through NAEA conventions. In true Tim Needle style... he not only created this fun and energetic work but he also recorded the process! I got to see how it was created in GIF form.
I have had the honor of calling Susan Davies a co-worker (Art Teacher) in my district for many years. Susan is enjoying her first year of retirement... well... from teaching. Davies is an active Artist. She is so fluid and process-based. Her work is unique and energetic. Check out her website and this video made for her by her kiddo. Both will help you understand why I'm proud to have a work of art by Susan Davies on my Welcome Wall.
I have always wanted to own a Bridget Bruneau and now I do. Bridget and I went to our undergrad together at UW-Stout. She did these amazing paintings of swimmers underwater. In the past 20 years, I have thought about getting an art piece from her to hang in my collection and here it is. Check out her Facebook page to see more.
I'm a huge fan of the work of Yvonne Arpino! I love that she creates for her soul and I can see it in this blue beauty! She has such a distinct style. She has been posting about her art on @redeemingart on IG. Take a look at the many different takes she has created based on this style.
The playful work of Clare Youngs was a pick from my daughter Matisse! I adore all things Clare Youngs and have used her for inspiration for a past post about 'Artist That Inspire Us'. I have also done collage lessons inspired by this amazing Artist too. Here's is another IG account that I can lose myself in.
And now for the fabulous Jessi EttaVee. What?? You think her work looks familiar?? Well, maybe you've seen her work recently in TAGET with collaboration with @Cambridge. This lady is the real deal!! Her bright and beautiful color creates joy. You will love her IG Feed as well!!

Many years ago I saw the work of Tery Castrogiovanni on Twitter, but better known on IG as @RainbowskiesandDragonflies. Tery was painting her wall and I loved the style so much I asked her to make me a work of Art. I continue to follow her on IG as she shares both her love for the classroom as well as making Art.
And now for the three that are about to make it on the wall. This bee painting is by Casey Kemper. I met Casey in Wisconsin and loved his energy. I soon after started following him on IG and found out about his love for bees. He was exploring processes and when I saw the style that you see above, I knew I needed to add it to my collection. He agreed and now I have a honeybee on my wall!
Sarah Krajewski is another Wisconsin Art Educator! She created this abstract work above. You know her on IG as @artroomglitterfairy. I'm not going to get too much into this lovely lady because she will be very focused on in upcoming weeks as she is interviewed on Everyday Art Room. She is going to talk about her 'why' of creating Art... It's going to be another good one :)
An another future guest is my new soul sister... Yaz Gaté. I knew I was going to visit Australia and New Zealand this summer so I started looking at some Artist from the area. I ran into the @tiny_cupboards_creative came into my feed... she just appeared. I inquired about a commission and she agreed... We made plans to meet while I was visiting Melbourne. Our husbands humored us and came along. I'm not joking when I say the universe connected us. This group of people, all born in 1979 connected immediately. I'm going to share the joy that this lady has given to me in an upcoming podcast so I will not get too far into it now... just hey, look at her work, check out her site... and give her alike.
I wanted to share all the artist that I have collected art from so far. I have about 15 more frames already made up, so there will be more. This wall brings me joy, I'm proud to have it in my house, people ask about it who know me, and I'm the proud owner of some original works of art. That is something to smile about. I'm supporting creative people! Boom!
If you have not already listened... check out Everyday Art Room to learn more about the path I took to 'Collecting Art in my Personal Life'.
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