Monday, May 7, 2012

Hidden Gnome Drawings

I love garden gnomes!  I thought they would be perfect for my 8th grades final drawing project.  We used the Travelocity gnome as our modle.  The kids drew a gnome in a 'place'.  I asked students to show a horizon line, have foreground, and background.  We also talked a lot about colored pencil technique.  

When finished, I asked the kids to place their drawing on another sheet of paper so the art projects looked like polaroid pictures.  We displayed them as if they were flung across the wall, displaying all the travels of the gnome.

See more adventures of our gnomes at on my flickr site.

I did have a couple of kiddo's finish up early so I asked them to draw a large, paper gnome.  They brought it around to different places in the school and took pictures of it.  The 8th graders really liked that!


  1. I love these... What a great job they did with the colored pencils.

  2. Love the gnome idea!!! My 6th graders are making clay gnome candle holders...using pinch pots and slabs! I love this idea, maybe this can be their sub lessons after I'm out on my maternity leave!!

  3. Love the humor in these! By the way I have no idea how many caps it takes! We had a lot left over. . . I collected for a year but it seemed the same 5 kids brought in all the caps! I'm sure you could get enough if you attached a prize to the top grossing class!
