Thursday, September 8, 2016

#ATCswap update

I wanted to make a video for the Artist Trading Card Swap participants. This will help us understand the expectations of this great event even better (I hope).  Please watch the video below and contact me with any questions,

Click here for the link to the ATC printout on Teachers pay Teachers.

Also, keep sharing on social media!! I have loved watching the #ATCswap posts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.  Remember, let's connect with the other participants thought these social media (click here for previous post)

Here are some examples of shared celebrations so far... 

I'm telling you using the hashtag #ATCswap, really has worked well on Twitter and Instagram for finding inspiration and seeing the progress of the cards around the world. Keep on posting! 


  1. I promise to be better with my hashtag. I guess I didn't realize it was #ATCswap. Thank you for all that you are doing on the project. (Is is the highlight of my school year so far!)

  2. Is it too late to join the swap?

    1. Yes, I'm sorry. This year we are full... Watch in Aug. of next year for the 3rd annual to be announce.
