FIBERS!!! I can't wait to #Crush on Fibers!! It's one of my passions in my personal art. I would like to share some of the ways to use fibers in your class, but also some of the ways I have shared my personal work using fibers in the past as well.
This is a simple way to get wet felting into your classroom. Trolls are so last year... but this project doesn't have to be. I have three different ways to make trolls and one involve wet felting at on this post.
These fiber sushi rolls were a blast for the kids to make! They used up a lot of scraps as well. The students then played games with the rolls such as picking up and passing them with chopsticks.
Sew-a-Softie was a fun blog post challenge that I took part in this summer. When I started thinking about these softies, I couldn't stop. Instead of one post, I made two. Here are the posts for the Softie Owls and the post for the Softie Fish. There were many others who participated in the Sew a Softie event this summer... I have their post on this Padlet. You want inspiration... look here...
I love bringing in fibers to our Artist Trading Cards. Here is a lesson using plastic mesh and yarn. It's a bit challenging for a whole class but perfect for choice work or small group. Click here for many images and directions on how to create this fiber landscape.
Here is another lesson for choice-based learning. This crafty project allows student so to develop their fine motor skills. I have provided this to students as young as 1st-grade with success. Click here for the Fiber Web Lesson and here to see the Crochet Chain self-pace lesson. I also have a yarn braiding lesson here.
And then there is weaving... So many weaving lessons. I adore weaving with paper but it is to get to the next level, weaving with fibers. Click here to see multiple weaving lessons from the MiniMatisse Art Studio, including one lesson with instructional videos, images of students works, and tons of tips and tricks to have a successful loom weaving.
Admittedly, I'm a little behind in bringing fibers into my classroom being I ADORE fibers in my personal work. Here is a post about how to 'stitch a memory', or make a triangle bag. I love hand sewing and machine work as well. Felting is a blast, especially dry felting. I love it all... and really like sharing the skill but find it challenging in a large group.
This year I'm proud of myself for braving a dream I have had for a long time. I have always wanted to have students design and create their own recorder case for their 3/4/5 grade musical instrument. I have invited several volunteers to come help me. This has been a wonderful experience and I'm VERY excited to share it with you upon completion. We are in the thick of it right now.
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